Monday 24 September 2012

Writing Reflection #1

          Hello ladies and gents, we started writing six word memoirs in class and frankly...I love them. They are so simple, and even the most unintelligent thought and combination of word sounds so meaningful and beautiful. I started this assignment the night is was posted on the classroom blog because it sounded so interesting and many ideas were passing through my mind. Plus, the videos we watched in class were really inspiring. I came up with about 30 memoirs and I wish I could use all of them! I chose to go into solitary confinement to work on them because when I'm alone thoughts come to me easy without distraction getting in the way. I really like this genre of writing because anyone can do it and they are easy Its a challenge for me because I always write way much more than I need to to get my message across (just like now) but I found that when I did come up with six words on a topic, I was surprised how well they flowed and summed up everything I needed to say. I am excited to work on coming up with a visual image to go with each memoir because I my memoirs mean a lot to me and art is also one of my biggest passions.
          I love blogging! Even though...most one really reads what I post, the words I write do have a lot of meaning to me and I enjoy sharing that with imaginary people...for now at least. Probably the hardest part of blogging is staying on track with a specific thought when writing, and not going too off topic. Also, thinking of something that would be worth reading by other people has been a bit difficult. Like always, the most rewarding part for my blogging experience is clicking the publish button of a finished piece of writing. I want to at least write five personal editions to my blog every week. 
P.S- Designing my blog with the different templates, layouts, backgrounds, and colours has turned into an addiction. 

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