Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Questioning Quotations #1    

 Doubt thou the stars are fire,
  Doubt that the sun doth move,
  Doubt truth to be a liar,
  But never doubt I love.

Hamlet (II,ii,108-111)

In my literary English class we are reading the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. So far...I don't love it, but I also don't hate it. In any kind of book, or play, I love discovering hidden meanings, symbols, and themes that run throughout the reading which is why Shakespeare's plays really interest me. While reading, I came across this quote and it stood out to me so much. It really means you may question/wonder if the stars are made out of fire, you may questions if the sun moves, you may question if all truth are lies, but never question my love for you. I found these lines so simple, and yet poetic and beautiful. Particularly the line: "Doubt truth to be a liar." I think I like this quote a lot because, when Hamlet is using poetry to show is love to Ophelia, it is and yet it is not. He uses words like fire, liar, and words having to do with the universe and yet he's making a connection to their love. 

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