Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Personal Edition Numero...#softtweet

I love chocolate. Like, a lot.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Reading Reflection # 12

       Tweet #1: 

I went online today and read ...I think that, sometimes, a secret tells a lot more than what's written... 

       Tweet #2:

Check out the new Christmas secrets!There's great visuals and it puts a weird twist on most people's favourite holiday 

Personal Edition Numero..Not So Christmasy.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Personal Edition Numero..Good Greif.

...still love the Six Word Memoirs...can you tell?
Personal Edition Numero...I wish I knew.

I Wish...

      I really liked this image when I saw it at first...only because it made a REALLY good Facebook cover photo. Then I began reading the wishes and they were actually pretty interesting. It reminded me a lot of our buried life assignment...the only difference is that people made wishes they knew could possibly come true...or that were so unrealistic to the point to of being funny. For example, "I wish Pokemons were real," does everyone wish they were real? Of course. Will they ever be? Probably not. The mix of reality and fantasy was really unique and I think an assignment like this would be good to do in class at some point...hint hint...

Oh, and this photo doesn't belong to me! I saved it to my desktop a lonnnggg time ago because I loved it, I tried to find the link to it but couldn't. Is this copyright? Meh, probably, but I'm praising it, so I think it should be fine...

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Personal Edition Numero...Incredibly Disorganized

Provincial English Exam...Help!

         I got this topic for a a personal edition by creeping on Sam Deckert's blog, because I knew he just recently added a lot. Here's the link to his personal addition about the Grade 12 provincial English exam- If you didn't read it, he basically talked about how worried he was about it, how little time we have to write it, how it is worth SO MUCH...30% of our final grade...and that this exam could really make or break your chances of getting a scholarship at university. All I can think of in response to same is, ditto. It just...well, to be truthful, it just sucks that this is probably one of the most, if not THE most, important exam I will ever take in high school...AND THERE'S NO WAY TO STUDY FOR IT! We have honestly gotten no exam preparation and I...obviously, feel so unprepared. I didn't think a lot of people stressed so much over this exam...or thought about a lot of these results of it so much, so it was nice to see Sam's post! I've already got accepted into the U of W for advanced early my Grade 12 marks don't matter as much...but I didn't know what faculty I wanted to go into at the U or M so I haven't applied there yet...and their mark qualifications are so much harder! I am honestly terrified for this exam...not so much the essay or writing piece, more so the question booklet because 3 hours is NOT much time at all, and the questions are so...well, hard and they are pretty much made so people can bull shit their way through it. Everything is always exaggerated and no one is truthful. They just want to get an answer down. I always stumble over questions like these when there's a time limit. Plus, I know we're going to get stuck with an awful topic like Lines or something similar...I mean, I'm going into the exam with 100...and yes I know, I don't have to worry about a bad mark...if I got a 50 on the exam, my mark goes to an 85 which isn't tooooo bad...but becuase my mark is so high every point I get off on the exam lowers it by 0.3%!!!!!! Which makes it so stressful and way more of a difference than if I had started with a lower mark. I really hope I do well and don't start to panic while writing this...It's the question booklet that's going to kill me, I know it...

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Personal Edition Numero...122112

End of the...World?

      In advance, I need to warn whoever is reading this that this post will be absolutely scattered! Well, tomorrow is December. 21 2012...the end of the world. I'm not too sure if it ends RIGHT on the start of the day, or after the entire's 11:53pm on December 20th, which means I could possibly be in the middle of writing this post and bam, the world...ends? I don't know, that sounds kind of weird to say...or funny. Anyways...I must say, if the world were to honestly end, I haven't really done much that I'm glad I did...and I think I have a lot of regrets. I stressed the small things, put school first, and pretty much lived a boring, safe life. Also, whats really the point to life? If we die anyways. I mean, we're all going to die so isn't it better if its done at once, so there'll be no one left to grieve and live in pain from the loss of a loved one? I guess it all depends...AH! still intact. I'll just keep writing...thats another thing! If the world did end, I spent it doing homework...didn't send any last minute meaningful texts...didn't say anything to my family...I just kept to myself. A+ for carpe diem I would say. Well...I'm not done with this post, but I'm going to leave it for today...what an awkward little rant to read...but whatever, you'll live...I mean, if you're reading this, you've already survived an apocalypse. Nice one. 

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Bucket List
1. Learn how to play guitar*
2. Travel to Ireland*
3. Marry an Irish man
4. Go bungee jumping...and live
5. Rescue a dog**
6. Have three kids
7. Backpack through Africa
8. Order dinner for two at a restaurant. Eat both.
9. Be an extra in a Hollywood movie
10. Learn to snowboard
11. Cut my hair for cancer*
12. Attend a Mumford and Sons concert**
13. Dye my hair dark brown
14. Ride an elephant
15. Pet an orca whale
16. Get a tattoo*
17. Get another tattoo*
18. Meet the cast of Harry Potter
19. Live in Montreal
20. Ride a camel through the desert
21. Learn how to speak French**
22. Own a pet snake
23. Learn how to speak Spanish
24. Sew my own dress...and make it look decent
25. Have a free shopping spree at Safeway
26. Learn to skateboard*
27. Save money to buy a clean well through World Vision**
28. Go dog sleeding up North
29. Create my own recipe for a dessert**
30. Make a batch of Christmas macaroons successfully
31. Sponser a child in Africa
32. Eat Gelato in Italy**
33. Order a meal from a restaurant with an Irish accent...and keep it going the whole time
34. Train my dog to "play dead"
35. Be in the audience for an Ellen show
36. High five all the Jets players
37. Eat at McDonalds in formal wear*
38. Yell "you can't handle the truth!" at the perfect moment
39. Order a venti ice water at Starbucks and complain that its too cold
40. Learn all the lyrics to Tom Lecher's "The Elements" song*
41. Dye a streak of my hair light purple
42. Learn how to wind surf
43. Swim beside a waterfall
44. Make a significant difference in someones life
45. Be involved in the movement to end human trafficking
46. Grow my nails long enough to scratch a chalkboard*
47. Bake a cheesecake from scratch
48. Go on a camping trip with all my friends
49. Get my motorcycle license
50. Buy my own motorcycle
51. Pay it forward by buying a families groceries
52. Buy a sea doo
53. Solve a Rubik's cube*
54. Go to university**
55. Go to a shooting range
56. Help a homeless person get a job and a home
57. Overcome my fear of public speaking*
58. Be a maid of honour for someone
59. Start to write in a journal
60. Buy a chow chow puppy
61. Buy a leonberger puppy
62. Hold a Koala
63. Be in the audience for an SNL show
64. Go carolling at Christmas**
65. Be in a flash mob
66. Visit every province in Canada
67. Backpack through Europe
68. See a Kangaroo in Australia
69. Help someone cross off something on their Bucket List**
70. Put in at least 100 volunteer hours for Winnipeg Harvest
71. Donate blood at least once a year...if I'm able to**
72. Tell someone "I love you"...and mean it
73. Graduate from University**
74. Help a family have the perfect Christmas**
75. Participate in Comic Con in San Diego
76. Build a professional snow fort*
77. Become a plastic surgeon
78. Save up to buy a black grand piano
79. Be a regular volunteer at a children's hospital
80. Take cooking classes...and baking classes*
81. Buy someone else's coffee in a drive through
82. Spend a night in a graveyard**
83. Help a family have the perfect Christmas**
84. Break the a harmless manor**
85. Learn calligraphy*
86. Keep in touch with my friends after high school*

Monday, 10 December 2012

Reading Reflection # 11

       Tweet #1: 

I flipped through the book  by Rainn Wilson and I couldn't have been more surprised, it was just so...real. 

       Tweet #2:

I loved how a question about life is asked and it is up to you to answer it for also has some AMAZING art 

Friday, 7 December 2012

Personal Edition Numero...
If you really want to know, count.

       I don't know...I really liked something about this picture and message...I think its because it lets us know that sometimes its okay to break social and acceptable customs. Don't live by the book.

Writing and Reading Reflection # 10

           I think Twitter Fiction went really well for me. At first it was actually pretty difficult though. Even though any topic was open to write about...I found that it was hard to choose something to write a story about, that would make sense under 140 characters. Since I chose to write my tweets in very short story form, I felt as if all 30+ tweets had to be completely different...but as I kept writing, I found that I can still make them involve the same topics and make them...unrelated at the same time. It got easier to come up with tweets after that. In my opinion, one of my greatest successes for this assignment came from the tweets that were told through the first person perspective. I tried to make a lot of very personal tweets (to the character) so I thought the writing would be better if I told it exactly as they would write about an experience, thought, or story about their life. In the beginning, I found coming up with fictional tweets extremely frustrating and difficult. In over one week, I only had about 10 tweets...or less. I felt completely uninspired and I had no ideas at all. I thought the tweets I was making were really boring and it discouraged me from continuing. I was trying to make them long and literal. Everything had to be textbook perfect, as if they could be published in a book...and not a very interesting one. Then I started to re-read and look up some of the professional tweets and I found that a lot of them were short, choppy, and not very serious. I believe this influenced a lot of my tweets to come...which leads me to another one of my successes. As mentioned earlier, at first my tweets were long and so literal, none of them were told in the first person perspective and they were so...typical. There was a sappy love story, a serial killer contemplating his next kill, a bitter divorce...they were original stories and yet they all seemed done before. I tried to fill all 140 characters and I think they were almost too long. So, my success came from my tweets that were short and concise...a lot of the stories were told by their character personally. The tweets were quick and cut deep. As a writer, I learned that I apparently like to make a lot of dark and depressing stories. Also, stories that told the truth about life in hidden ways...I began to make tweets where they was no real story line to them, it was just writing about real life, involving a characters life. They were simple and basic, but I think these were my best tweets. As far as publishing my tweets on Twitter...I didn't mind it too much. I already have a personal Twitter account, so I found that it was pretty different. I don't mine people reading my stories, I just wish I had more favourites and retweets than I did! ...Obviously, this assignment was a challenge for me because I have great difficulty getting to the point through my writing...but I think I did a good job at it by the end, hopefully. 
           I read a memoir by Fathome Butterfly and tweets involving gravestone characters by Jennifer Wilson. I read the Fathome Butterfly one because one of my friends recommended it because they found it interesting. I didn't actually like it very much because I found like it was all over the place...and not very structured. Some were actually kind of cool though, especially the pictures she posted, but other than that I wasn't a huge fan. The tweets by Jennifer Wilson were a bit more interesting...but I think the description I read about made it sound better than it was. I thought each separate post she posted would be a story she made up about the person who's name was on the gravestone. However, this was not the case. The tweets were divided into sections and each section was devoted to a specific person. I found it sort of difficult spending Thursdays class reading these Twitter Fiction stories because the tweets by the authors were pretty inconsistent and dispersed, you really had to look for the story. Personal tweets by the author tweeting at someone or advertising their page were mixed in with the stories, so I found this very frustrating and discouraged my from reading further into the story. One thing that surprised me was how many people participate with Twitter Fiction. When I searched the fiction hashtags, there were lots of stories that came up by people and I didn't it was that big of a deal. Also, each writer had a different sort of writing style and they were all pretty unique, I even found this to be the case with our class members stories. I found this very surprising but I really liked reading them. For example, I enjoyed a lot of Sam Deckert's tweets because I found that they were similar to mine in style...and idea choices, so I thought they were pretty cool.
            I don't think this assignment necessarily changed my perspective on Twitter because I already used it before hand with my personal account and I really like it. That being said, this assignment did show me new things about the site that I didn't know existed (the fictional stories) and I thought those were really interesting to read about. I think our next Buried Life unit would be good to tweet about. Even using our twitter accounts to tweets questions about class projects or recommendations about books would be of good use...even tweeting out good things that you have read or watched that you want people to know about. People in our class could really benefit from recommendations from others.